Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Overnight bus and trip planning

We are made it to Ho Chi Min City on yet again another overnight bus. The seats are tiny and so uncomfortable but the journey was managable. Yesterday we spent the planning the next leg of our trip. We are leaving today on a 2 day tour through the Mekong Delta, it includes seeing a floating market, biking and staying in a small village. It is with up to 20 people so we are hoping there are some younger ones...... Last night we went to a tradiational Vitenamese restaurant, not a tourist in the entire place. The guy at our hotel reccomended it and wrote down what to order. It very tasty, a boiling pot of shrimp, beef, pork, mushrooms, onions, rice noodles and broth (some other unidentifiable objects as well). It was delicious as most of the traditional food is, fresh spring rolls, chicken with lemongrass, tofu with tomatos those are some of our favorites. Last night we stayed in a hotel that was $20 US dollars, this is almost a little on the expensive side but we have learned that a lot of them that are less than that are not very clean..... we decided we can afford the extra $10 for a nicely cleaned room. We will upload some pictures when we get back from the Mekong Delta. Then we are off to Northern Thailand, a little change in plans but this route is a cheaper option. Much love,
L and M
(p.s spell check is once again not working.......)

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